Do their PAWS need to be ENERGIZED?
Are your dogs &/or cats experiencing:
Hives &/or Face swelling
Constant licking
Red Inflamed skin
Diarrhea &/or Vomiting
itchy &/or Infected Ears
Itchy &/or Discharge in Eyes
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food”
– Hippocrates
My name is Miranda and I am the Founder of Energize Paws! My husband, Kevin, and I have been married since 2004. We have three children, two dogs, and two cats.
While I am not a Veterinarian, my close friends call me Dr. Dolittle and my neighbors know that I’m the one that will help any stray cat or dog that is nearby. My passion is helping pets, in an individualized and holistic approach to finding the most optimal nutritional plans. My niche is with pets that have allergies – both with foods and environmental allergies; however, I can help any pet and pet parent that is looking for nutrition advice.
Just as we, as humans, work with nutritionists when we need help with our diets, we need more pet nutritionists to help our pets. I look forward to getting to know you & your Furbaby! Thank you for allowing me to help you both!
PS – I am always looking to add people to the team! Click below to learn more on how to join!
Energize your Pet's Nutrition through our Affiliate Partners!
Pets are a huge part of our lives and we want what's best for them always. Unfortunately, sometimes our furry friends can develop allergies to things in their environment, whether it be pollen, grass, a new food, or something else entirely. While human allergies can range from an itchy nose to full-blown hives and vomiting, pet allergies often present with similar symptoms. Pets may start to itch constantly, develop hives or swelling around the face, have watery or red eyes, diarrhea or vomiting, and more.
We are very selective when it comes to what products we suggest within our Personalized Food Recommendation Reports. Say goodbye to itchy paws! To see & purchase some of favorite Dog Food products, click on the different boxes below:
Finally found a food that our dog’s sensitive stomach could handle!
Finally found a food that our dog’s sensitive stomach could handle!
After months of struggling to find a food that our Cavapoo’s sensitive stomach could handle, we decided to order a DNA saliva allergy test. We also ordered a food recommendation report from Energize Paws, which utilized the data from the allergy test results to find foods that did not contain ingredients that potentially bothered Finnegan’s stomach.

100% recommend for anyone whose dog is suffering from food allergies or dietary restrictions!

Time and Life Saver!
Time and Life Saver!
I was pleased with Miranda’s research and recommendations. She sure had her work cut out for her with my 2 boys.

Thank you, Energizepaws!
Thank you, Energizepaws!
Thank you, Energizepaws! I received your report about a month ago and have made the recommended changes to my dog’s diet. I am happy to report that she is doing great. Her allergies have greatly improved. I appreciate that you offer this service. It has saved me so much time researching all the different products out there.

Thank you!
Thank you!
I cannot say thank you enough. Maximus is such a sweet dog and I have watched him suffer with allergies for 4 years. When I received the allergy list I was so thankful we paid for the food report as well because I didn’t even know where to begin when I realized he had a mild allergy to both peas and sweet potatoes! Thanks so much! The report was very detailed and very much appreciated. I already ordered the new food.
Janelle and Maximus

This list is a lifesaver!
This list is a lifesaver!
I can’t thank you enough for this. You have lifted a huge weight off my shoulders, I have been stressing for weeks. This list is a lifesaver!

Thank You EnergizePaws – Thank You Miranda your a lifesaver.
Thank You EnergizePaws – Thank You Miranda your a lifesaver.
I was overwhelmed when I received the allergic test back for Rocky. I started looking at his current food and treats and some of his strong and mild intolerance items were listed as ingredients. Ordering the food report was the best decision ever!

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